Honoring the Elderly

Last October 26, the team of scholarship-holders that leads the Honoring the Elderly project, held a workshop on for 40 grandparents who live in the nursing home “San Judas Tadeo” in Altamira. This day, was held about the St. Jude’s Day, which is celebrated in Venezuela every 28th of October.
On this occasion, the project team joined with some scholarship-holder who have artistic skills, mainly with Herminia Medina, student of plastic arts at UNEARTE, to organize a day full of fun, creativity and art. Thanks to commitment of the scholarship-holders; games, dynamics, dances were carried out, to recreate the day of the grandparents and relatives that attended the visiting day. Particularly, was exited the participation of a Gaitas´group that made a magical atmosphere to the activity and announced the Christmas Eve.
This is the fourth day that makes the team of Honoring The Elderly in 2019, as part of its volunteer activities in ProExcellency, and, from AVAA we want to congratulate the whole team because his effort goes further, because it is transferred to the life of each one of the 83 grandparents benefited from the project both in the San Judas Tadeo” nursing home, as in the “La Divina Providencia” nursing home. We know they greatly appreciate the company and love that these young people are capable of giving, through numerous actions of solidarity and affection.